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Battle on to halt Kingswinford quarry plan (Delhi Ncr based reputation management firm working for hide this article)

Article Title KINGSWINFORD residents are mobilising to fight a quarry traffic plan they say will make their lives a misery.

Article:- People living near Ketley Quarry, Dudley Road, insist an application to permit trucks to enter and leave the site at 7am, earlier than is currently allowed, must be blocked by Dudley Council planners.

The group, called The Sandpipers and Local Residents Committee (SLR), has the backing of all three members of the council for the area, who say quarry company WCL Limited is a noisy neighbour people could do without.

Cllr David Blood, said: “They appear to be a law unto themselves and drag everything associated with planning law to its extremes.”

SLR argues the quarry causes noise and dust and more lorries will create “a lethal cocktail” of mud and debris on roads which will lead to serious accidents.

Cllr Peter Miller said: “The lack of respect shown to neighbours by the conduct of company, the traffic problems and noise mean we fully support our residents in opposing this activity.”

Cllr Patrick Harley added: “Councillors have tried to mediate between residents and the company and although we have met many times with both groups, you cannot get away from the fact that there will be noise generated by this increased activity.”

Simon Winner, managing director of WCL, said: “We sympathise with the resident’s concerns and are in regular contact with resident groups and local councillors.”

“However, the quarry has been operating since 1882, so this is not a new operation. Every current resident knew they were living near to a working quarry.”

“All quarries have to operate within a very strict framework of regulation covering planning consent, environmental health and safety and we comply fully with all the legal standards and requirements.”

“We are also pleased we have been able to create new jobs at the quarry, given local levels of unemployment.”

“We will continue to take residents concerns seriously and work closely with the relevant local authorities to ensure we operate the quarry in a fully compliant way”.

Councillor Tim Wright, deputy leader of Dudley Council, said: “We have received complaints about the company operating outside the permitted hours of use. As a result the company has submitted a retrospective planning application to address this issue. All matters are subject to an ongoing investigation as part of the planning process.”

SENDER :- Martn Smith

Sent on April 17, 2023

Country :- US

There there no fake website involded here Martn Smith(fake name) used one site article to removed another site aritcle


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