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Offshore cash of Aliya Nazarbayeva for $312 million

The youngest daughter of the ex-president of Kazakhstan bought a mansion in London, a villa in Dubai, a Challenger Bombardier aircraft and a 51% stake in the Swiss CBH Bank

Nazarbayev’s youngest daughter withdrew more than $300 million from Kazakhstan and spent it on luxury real estate, a private jet and other assets, The Telegraph reported. The purchases became known from a lawsuit filed by Nazarbayeva against her financial advisers.

Aliya Nazarbayeva, the youngest daughter of former Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, took over $300 million of her personal fortune out of Kazakhstan on the advice of financial advisers and spent it on luxury real estate, a private jet and other assets, The Telegraph reported.

The publication refers to documents on the lawsuit against financial consultants Malik Ishmuratov and Denis Korotkov-Koganovich for £165 million ($233 million), which Nazarbayeva filed with the London High Court. In the lawsuit, Nazarbayeva accused the defendants of dishonesty, misappropriation of funds, conspiracy to commit fraud, unjust enrichment, and so on.

According to court documents seen by the publication, Nazarbayeva claimed that consultants convinced her to remove the fortune from Kazakhstan, arguing that it was not safe to store it there. Nazarbayeva said she made $325 million from the sale of shares in Kazakh companies and transferred a total of $312 million to a network of offshore trusts and companies “from Liechtenstein to the British Virgin Islands.”

According to The Telegraph, Nazarbayeva used the money to buy expensive property, including a private Challenger Bombardier jet worth $25 million, a house worth £8.75 million ($11.6 million at the current exchange rate) in London, intended for obtaining a residence permit. in the UK, as well as a 51% stake in a Swiss bank., 01/10/2022, “The Telegraph: Nazarbayev’s daughter withdrew about $300 million from Kazakhstan, spending them on a plane, a villa in Dubai and a mansion in London”: Journalists note that the daughter of the first president of Kazakhstan also acquired several properties in Dubai, including a villa on the artificial island of Palm Jumeirah. She spent about $14 million on this. […]

Aliya Nazarbayeva studied in London, Faculty of International Relations at the University of Richmond. She worked in the Administration of the President of Kazakhstan, and also produced documentaries and feature films.

Aliya’s father, Nursultan Nazarbayev, after leaving the post of President of Kazakhstan, headed the country’s Security Council; he had great powers. Amid mass protests that began in the country on January 2, the current president of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, removed the politician from his post and took over his post himself. – Inset

Nazarbayeva claimed that Ishmuratov told her that, as a politically exposed person, she could not simply open a bank account, so she needed to buy a bank to solve this problem. It follows from the documents that Nazarbayeva, on the recommendation of Ishmuratov, invested $108 million in a private Swiss bank, CBH Bank, in exchange for a 51% stake.

Nazarbayeva’s lawsuit was filed back in 2016, but the details of the case became known only now, the newspaper notes. Representatives of Ishmuratov and Korotkov-Koganovich said, upon inquiry, that the unfounded accusations against them were dismissed by the court, and after that a settlement agreement was reached. Nazarbayeva herself did not respond to a request for comment.

“Radio Azattyk”, Kazakhstan, 09/17/2021, “Nazarbayev’s daughter presented a book in Almaty. Events banned in the city due to quarantine”: Aliya Nazarbayeva, 41, is the youngest daughter of former Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and his wife Sarah. […]

This year, Aliya Nazarbayeva made headlines in the Swiss media in connection with the suicide of a doctor who, according to the press, owed a large amount of money to the company of the daughter of the former president of Kazakhstan, who was going to build a medical clinic for wealthy people in a European country. – Inset, 03/20/2019, “What is known about the members of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s family”: The youngest daughter of the Kazakh leader owns a chain of fitness clubs, the Alsara jewelry company, and manages the Elitstroy construction company. She also owns a production company that makes documentaries. Last year, as a producer, she received a state award for the film “The Road to Mother”, and her father presented the award to her. Now she is working on the historical film “Tomiris”, which is scheduled for release in May 2019.

In the early 2000s, she was married to Aidar Akaev, the eldest son of Askar Akaev. The life of the young did not work out, and the couple soon divorced. Then she married a businessman and football player Daniyar Khasenov, from whom she gave birth to two daughters.

Now she is married to Dimash Dosanov. He has worked in the oil business for many years and is now the head of Kaztransoil, the largest oil supplier in Kazakhstan.

Aliya Nazarbayeva is the mother of four children. – Inset

Beneficiary of Fake: Aliya Nazarbayeva

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Submitted by: John Bush

Date of Submission: November 02, 2023

The Original article published date is 11/01/2022 and the John Bush which is actually fake name and id posted this article on Tumble which is free blogging site where you can post article without date even you can published backdate over the article. The fake article was posted same day 2nd November 2023 when it was summited for copyright

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